The Psychology of Games


I was fortunate to join the collaboration with Tau and Gameologi, during the development of a movement-based game to improve learning with children, through motor activity and exercise. I gained an advantage by being presented best practices and latest findings in the theoretical field, and I felt valued and respected as a client, at times when I was out of my depth, which was a great motivator.


We had the pleasure of working with Gameologi around the creation of game based learning for public schools. We experienced a curious, honest and authentic approach, and gained feedback on practices and areas of interest. The incorporation of design psychology was a great contribution to our games, both small and large.




  • A psychological perspective on games
  • Understand the underlying mechanisms of human experiences within computer-, roleplaying- and boardgames
  • Expand your horizons with a psychological foundation
  • Supplementing your developmental processes with deeper insights
  • Get to know the essential psychological needs
    • Emotional processing
    • Comfort and security
    • Distraction from loneliness
    • Curiosity
    • Learning
  • Gameology is the final touch in making your game stand out as the one to remember for years to come..


    • A psychological perspective on topics ranging from AI, screen time or games as a care giver or even religion
    • Tailored to your needs
  • Deep analysis of projects, games and target groups
  • Case descriptions of target groups, their needs and behaviors
  • Facilitation of processes for teams and/or customers

Join me in this podcast episode where I engage with three of the most talented, yet humble, people in Denmark when it comes to roleplaying and storytelling.

Read along as a universe takes shape. A great way to get inspired if you’re struggling with a story, be it as a game master or player. Here’s a free world for you to lean into. 

A picture tells a thousand words. Sure, but if you don’t have anything to tell, your picture won’t either”

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